Saturday, October 14, 2006

Greek 2 Me


So, elections are tomorrow.

Who cares?

Oh sure, I can hear your protests and howls of rage that someone dare question the importance of the democratic process; but enough is enough, already!

This past week leading up to the elections has once again demonstrated that the problems we face as a society here in Greece are certainly not going to be cured by the elected officials on this Sunday's ballot... regardless of your political idealogy.

The flooding streams, collapsed bridges and the striking teachers, are not necessarily political problems. Therefore, real solutions - NOT- political ones, need to be offered.

How about this Mr. Karamanlis?

Give the teachers a week to return to their jobs, or, face the prospect of losing them.

That's right.

Introduce a measure to be debated by the parliament to allow teachers to be fired. In other words, make teachers sign a no strike contract in order to have their precious, cushy, civil-servant jobs. It's time more was demanded from them, not less.

The time has come to call things by
their real, not imaginary, names.

If teachers don't want to work - it's their privelege, by the way, to not want to work under the current conditions...

Fire them.

There are plenty - and I do mean PLENTY - of unemployed, qualified teachers who would gladly and immediately replace them within the week.

If you need someone who has hired and fired teachers to help you do this job. I volunteer my services for a week to help get it organized and done. If the department of education can't find replacements in such a short time, then you need to fire them as well.

This nonsense of the few holding the many at ransom needs to end.

If it doesn't we'll soon be sending our kids to a three or four hour "free" education and then transporting them to a frontistirio to actually learn what they need to know.

Oh wait, we already do that, don't we?

Greekleton - those who only know the Greek way of doing things...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Greek 2 Me

Once again, we've reached October and the teachers (and therefore our children) are not in school.

Where are they?

On strike, of course.

After all, this is Greece we are talking about. This is the place the socialist unions have sold the people the second biggest lie invented in history.

Namely, that teachers work hard and must prepare for classes outside of the classroom.

In truth,
some teachers do work hard and yes, some, (a very small, small, percentage) must prepare for classes outside of school. How do I know these things?

Well, I've been a teacher now for almost twenty years.

But, (this is the part that's gonna hurt a little) for the most part, you can't justify paying 1,200 or 1,400 euros for a base salary to someone who literally works 7 months a year and only 4 hours a day.

Let's get real for once, shall we?

Class at the elementary level starts at what? 8:15? And ends at what? 1:40? Let's not mention the fact that the kids have gymnastics a couple of times a week or more, and they have a couple of breaks each day.

So how many hours a day does a teacher actually work with the kids?

I know what you're thinking...

"Yes, but.....

Yes, but .... Nothing!

The problem in this case isn't teacher's pay. The problem is that a group of people have decided that they are more equal than the rest of us and are entitled to more pay, while working less than any other group or profession (with the exception of politicians, of course)

Hell, even
bankers work more than teachers.

Want to know what I say?

Hell with them.

Get back in the classroom already or lose your job. There are thousands and thousands of educated people ready and willing to take your position for the salary you currently receive given the hours you currently work.

If you can't make ends meet then get a second job like the rest of us but get back to work!

ELLADISTAN = An affectionate moniker for Greece by those who face the daily absurdities here.